Zonnique Pullins age

If you are born in a celebrity family, then the road stops are taken ahead by the children. Similar is Zonnique Pullins’s case, who is the daughter of a singer and doing good in the industry.

This talented lady is associated with OMG Girlz. Readers here might not be well known about her, but here we are with all the necessary information about her. So be with us till the very end to know more in detail.

Zonnique Pullins net worth
Zonnique Pullins

Before the start, let’s have some quick facts, tend to help the search

Zonnique Pullins: Quick Facts

Full Name Zonnique Jailee Pullins
Date of Birth 1996/03 /20
Nickname Miss Star
Marital Status In a relationship
Birthplace Georgia, USA
Ethnicity Black
Age 23
Profession Singer
Nationality American
Height 5’7″
Eye color Blue
Hair color Black
Weight 63 kgs
Net Worth $500k
Online Presence Instagram


Zonnique Jailee Pullins was born on March 20, 1996, in Georgia. The name of her parents is Tameka Harris and T.I. Both of them belong to a singing fraternity, which laid ways for her in the future. Other than this, she has six siblings, four brothers and two sisters.

Zonnique was born in the states holding American nationality along with the mixed ethnicity. Her zodiac sign falls under Pisces.

Age and Body Measurements

Zonnique was born in 1996, which makes her 23 years old. She stands at the height of 5’7” with a weight of 63 kgs. Her skills are over the rooftop that tends to attract lots of fan following. Other than this, there is no information on vital body statistics.

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Pullins is in her early 20’s, and she looks pretty slim. It might be due to the conscious effort to remain fit and going. To complete the physical outlook, black hair and flawless blue hair play the lead role.

Early Life and Education

Zonnique was born in Georgia, spending most of her childhood there with the family and siblings. It was a pretty decent childhood as her parents were associated with the showbiz world. One of the problems that might have arisen is the stepfather, but nothing subsequent is available on that too. The freedom in the family allowed her to be a singer.

For her educational background, though she attended Henry W Grady High School in Atlanta. She was a pretty decent student at her time.


Pullins belongs to the musical background, and it must not come as a surprise if she is a well-known artist. Her career began as she formed OMG Girlz along with Bahja Rodriquez and Breanna Womack.

Along with the group, they performed the song Gucci This Gucci That in the year 2012. This was a start to something great, but the group broke in 2015. This break up came as a blessing in disguise. In the periphery, though, they performed the Scream Tour: Next Generation.

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Other than this, some of her work includes the likes of Nun For Free, Cool Kids, My Nigga, Can’t Trust Em. Most of her successful music came after breaking the band. We feel there is more to come from this talented artist, and we will keep you all updated.

Zonnique Pullins Boyfriend

iF talent and looks come to the fore, then lovers of it can be seen in numbers. Similar is the case of Zonnique. She is a wealthy and talented celebrity whose hand was held by Zoey.

Yeah, earlier, this singer was in a relationship with the rapper when things were going well. But later, personal disputes led to their breakdown. At this point, though, this talented individual is in a relationship with Damian Swann. He is a well-known NFL player who is doing good with all of his skills.


Zonnique Pullins Boyfriend
Zonnique with Izzy

There were rumors after her social media share that Pullins is pregnant, but the news was shut down with no confirmation. Whatever might be the case, this diva surely is living a lavish lifestyle with her boyfriend. If something big off her relation comes out, we will let you all know.

Zonnique Pullins Net Worth

Miss Star is a rising singer in the industry. Her works might be limited, but her fame and fortune don’t show this fact. Her class has made her good bucks, and at this point, it stands at $500k.

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Doing tours, promotions, and endorsements have helped her to accumulate worth a lot. Although there is information on net worth, nothing hardcore is available about annual income and assets owned. Whatever might be the case, this artist is living a lavish lifestyle.

Social Media Reach

Instagram– 3m followers

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