Celeste Ackelson age

The list of celebrities that rise to fame from their relationship goes higher and higher. Adding to this list is another celebrity whom we all know as Celeste Ackelson. She is more famous as the wife of Brian Baumgartner.

Beyond being the wife of Brian, there is more to know and respect about her. Her charm and class can be something to admire. Here we will let you all know in detail about the personal and professional life.

Celeste Ackelson net worth
Celeste Ackelson

But first, some quick facts tend to help the cause

Celeste Ackelson: Quick Facts

Full Name Celeste Ackelson
Date of Birth 1982
Nickname Celeste
Marital Status Married
Birthplace USA
Ethnicity White
Age 37
Profession Celebrity wife
Nationality American
Spouse Brian Baumgartner
Hair color Brown
Net Worth Under Review


Celeste Ackelson was born in 1982 in the United States of America. The name of her parents is not known to the general media. Not only this, but the name of her siblings is also not known to the public media. The main reason for her fame is the spouse, so we feel the secrecy is legit.

But we can say with assurance that Ackelson belongs to white ethnicity and also holds the American nationality. The unavailability of the exact date of birth made us hard to know about the zodiac sign too.

Age and Body Measurements

Celeste was born in 1982, which makes her 37 years. Her husband stands at the height of 6’1″, so we can say that she stands at the height of 5’11”. Even though the height can be assumed, but the measurements for the weight is not available for the general people to know. The vital body statistics, however, are not available for anyone too.

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Moving along the height and weight measurements, the glowing face tends to accompany a lot of camera attention at times. The flawless brown hair also completes the beauty of this lady.

Early Life and Education

Celeste was born in the USA and spent most of her childhood there with her family and siblings. Even though we have no information on her family and siblings, we feel she had a decent time. Some sources suggest this beautiful lady had an interest in art too.

For the educational background, though, Celeste attended Florida International University and also received a degree in communication. Sources claim that Celeste was a pretty decent and hard-working student.

Celeste Ackelson Career

Ackelson is a pretty well-behaved woman who knows how to handle the media and also create a balance between the two. Although the charm of the husband has overtaken her career, we feel there is more to know.

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Celeste is a fashion freak and loves to talk more about the current fashion trends. According to her close ones, this star wife is well dressed up, owns a close interest in the field of fashion. There might have been a U-turn from communication to the fashion world, but nothing concrete is available about it.


One of the most important reasons to recognise the lady is undoubtedly due to her husband’s fame. Brian Baumgartner is no stranger to the entertainment world, and the classy acting has earned him fans.

Due to the secretive nature, there is hardly any details about how they met. The balance between personal and professional life by the couple is commendable. Both of them tied their nuptials in April 2014, and it was a closed event held in the backyard of Brian.

Celeste Ackelson husband
Celeste Ackelson and Brian Baumgartner

But the reception included the likes of the Office series cast, and it was highly enjoyable. To add up to their love relationship, both of them own a child named Brylee Bea, who was born in March 2015. Its been almost 5 years of their marriage, and there is hardly any rift. Celeste and Brian seem pretty happy with where they stand at this point.

Celeste Ackelson Net Worth

There were talks that Ackelson is a woman who is fond of art and creative things. At most of her events attainment, this star lady is seen promoting various trendy fashion brands. But due to lack of fixed career information, there is hardly anything on the net worth accounts.

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Not only this, but the information on the annual income and assets are not known to general media. The only and most important reason to spread the name of Celeste is her husband, whose net worth is estimated to be $6 million. The couple owns a house worth $2.8 million in LA.

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