Pat Robertson Daughters

Pat Robertson Daughters are also the children of Dede Robertson, who played a crucial role in defining American evangelicalism and politics.

Marion Gordon “Pat” Robertson was a media entrepreneur in the United States and a religious broadcaster, political pundit, presidential contender, and Southern Baptist clergyman. Robertson promoted a robust Christian theology and was active in Republican Party politics.

Robertson founded several organizations, including CBN, Regent University, Operation Blessing International Relief and Development Corporation, Founders Inn and Conference Center, Christian Coalition, American Center for Law & Justice, International Family Entertainment Inc. (ABC Family Channel/Freeform), during his five-decade career.

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Robertson established CBN University, a private Christian institution, on CBN’s Virginia Beach campus 1977. Since its inception, the university has built eight academic schools and provides associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate degrees in more than 150 fields of study.

Pat Robertson Daughters: Elizabeth Robertson Robinson And Ann Robertson LeBlanc

Pat Robertson has four children: two boys, Gordon P. Robertson and Tim Robertson, and two daughters, Elizabeth Faith Robertson and Anne Carter Robertson. The late Conservative Christian broadcaster had four children with his wife, Adelia Elmer Robertson, who died on Tuesday, April 19, 2022.

Pat Robertson’s daughter is Elizabeth Robertson Robinson. While particular facts regarding her personal life and work are not readily available in the sources, it may be surmised that Elizabeth was raised in a religious and political household. 

Pat Robertson Daughters
Pat Robertson with his daughters and extended family (source: Amomama)

Being Pat Robertson‘s daughter, she was probably familiar with the workings of the Christian Broadcasting Network and the Christian Coalition, both of which played important roles in her father’s life.

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Pat Robertson has another daughter, Ann Robertson LeBlanc. Like Elizabeth’s, Ann’s personal life and job are not expressly discussed in the available material. 

Nonetheless, as a member of Pat Robertson’s family, Ann is likely to have been exposed to the religious and political activities that molded her father’s legacy.

Elizabeth Robertson Robinson and Ann Robertson LeBlanc are the daughters of Pat Robertson, who played a crucial role in defining American evangelicalism and politics.

Who Is Pat Robertson Wife? Meet Dede Robertson 

Dede, born Adelia Elmer, and Pat met for the first time at Yale University in 1952. The native of Ohio earned a bachelor’s degree from the state of Ohio University and a master’s degree from Yale.

When the Robertsons created the Christian Broadcasting Network, she switched from Catholicism to born-again Christianity.

Pat Robertson Daughters
Pat Robertson with his late wife Dede Robertson  (source: Amomama)

Dede sometimes battled with her Southern-born husband’s conventional attitudes during their long marriage. “I was a Northerner, and Northern guys just assist a bit more around the house.” “I saw that as we traveled farther south, he did less,” she said in her memoirs.

In addition to being world-renowned Christian leaders, the Robertsons were parents to four children. Gordon, Tim, Elizabeth and Ann would be welcomed into the family.

Gordon remarked at Dede’s death, “Mom was the glue that held the Robertson family together.” She was usually working in the background. There would be no CBN if it weren’t for Mom.”

Tim anchored the CBN’s flagship show, The 700 Club and has previously worked as a televangelist on the network. Elizabeth and Ann, as far as we know, do not work for the family firm. The Robertsons had 14 grandkids and 23 great-grandchildren as of 2022.

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