Heath Ledger Vs. Joaquin Phoenix is something that will be mouth-watering. Heath Ledger is one of the rare receivers of the Oscars to portray the famous character Joker. There have been quite several role players who have done this role and pretty well. Be it Jack Nicholson, Jared Leto, or all famous Heath Ledger, there has been lots of representation, and everyone has done their best. But lately, there has been a new addition to the franchise, whom we all know as Joaquin Phoenix Joker.
The buzz in the industry is skyrocketing for Joker’s portrait by this talented actor, and comparison is already starting to that of Heath Ledger.
How is Joaquin Phoenix Joker different from Heath Ledger Joker?
Well, this question might be more head-scratching for all the iconic fans of the entertainment industry. The comparison between the two great actors is undoubtedly based on how cruel they have been based on setting the Gotham’s crime ascendancy or all fighting gruesomely against the system.
Heath Ledger’s roleplay of the Joker was the advanced form. It generally focused upon the matured Joker, who is all set to wreak havoc in Gotham city and overtake power from the fraternity. This role play includes the struggle with the police system and also one on one with Batman.

On the contrary, the 2019 Joker is very different. It is based in 1981, a horrifying story that explains the commencement of the name Joker. Arthur Fleck desires to become a standup comedian and make a mark but doesn’t get the break.
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The trailer didn’t suggest when the switch was turned on from the comedian to the criminal, but the clown prince inevitably turned out to be the crime prince. The gritty trailer and the breathless horrifying scenes tend to bind the audience.
So mark your calendars so that you can get the first taste of hopefully one of the best Joker portrayal by the very talented actor Joaquin Phoenix.
Who Will Outlast The Other?
The Dark Knight depiction of Joker was one of the raves acts ever to be done in entertainment history. This roleplay not only won Heath the oscar but set the benchmark very high for everyone to compete.
The 2008 movie was a blockbuster, and it set the audience apart with the flawless direction and screenplay by Christopher Nolan. In the 2019 Joker, though, there are differences as this Joker is someone who has a dream to lead a healthy life.
When the healthy life of hitting up the world with standup comedy gets shattered, Arthur turns out to set chaos in Gotham city. So, the two different objectives are hard to compare and outclass. But one thing is for sure Heath Ledger Vs. Joaquin Phoenix will be a treat to all the fans.

Arthur (Joaquin) seems to be a normal man with a dream but later turns out to be the crime prince of Gotham city. But in The Dark Knight, Joker(Heath) is all in the mood to give the town a good brand of criminals.
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So, let the Joker rest with the best that did it. You cannot compare the sun and the moon as it shines when it is right and in different places. So let’s start the countdown to the 4th of October and find out who wins Heath Ledger Vs. Joaquin Phoenix struggles.
Venice Film Premiere
However, the premiere of the movie Joker got awesomely positive reviews with an 8-minute standing ovation and pretty decent and exciting discussions.
#JokerMovie starts its run in #Venice76 like this: ACCLAIMED by the viewers, electrified by #JoaquinPhoenix performance as #Joker. have no doubt, this movie will change everything about how we see Comic Book Movies. And it will be a strong award contenderpic.twitter.com/sQnSjZfN6e
— Luiz Fernando (@Luiz_Fernando_J) August 31, 2019
Fans’ View
The #JokerMovie trailer is hauntingly chilling. Joaquin Phoenix has always been known for his eccentricity. But never thought he could pull this one off. The only thing missing from the trailer was the iconic laughter. Heath Ledger would be smiling from the heavens. Can't wait!
— Renjith Menon (@Renjr0ver) April 3, 2019
Damn, I don't wanna say it, but Phoenix might very well be the one to knock Ledger off the Joker pedestal. If the entire film is as engrossing as the teaser alone, this might be the best Joker we've ever had on screen, can't wait to see this! #JokerMovie https://t.co/F09X0j5G1k
— Mantikore (@Mantikoar) April 3, 2019
#JokerMovie Looks promising so far! Hopefully Joaquin Phoenix's performance rivals Heath Ledger's performance or even surpasses it. 🤞
— ACMANISH (@ACmanish) April 3, 2019
#JokerMovie looks INCREDIBLE and I'd put money on Joaquin Phoenix delivering a performance that's right up there with Ledger's. This is gonna be special. 🤡 https://t.co/UhghmqbQJ2
— John Squires (@FreddyInSpace) April 3, 2019