Lois Gift Obituary has been trending on social media as she was found dead in her home on Monday and was killed by her son, the Ephrata Police Department announced.
The Ephrata Police Department said Wednesday that a lady found dead in her home on Monday was murdered by her son.
Concerned family and friends phoned the Police when Gift failed to appear at previously arranged engagements. They entered her residence and discovered Gift dead with no apparent cause of death.
Authorities launched an inquiry into the mysterious death right away.
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Lois Gift, 62, of Adamstown Borough, was discovered dead after Police received repeated calls from relatives and friends worried that she had missed regularly planned engagements.
Lois Gift Obituary – Son Zachary Gift Adamstown Arrested For Her Death
Lois Gift, 62, was discovered dead inside her Grant Road House in Adamstown, Lancaster County, on Monday, according to Ephrata Police. The Gift was characterized as a kind neighbor by Bill Bixler.
There was no evident cause of death when Gift was discovered, but authorities regarded it suspicious.
According to authorities, a forensic pathologist decided Gift’s death was a homicide by strangulation on Tuesday. Before discovering Gift’s corpse, Police responded to a car collision in Millcreek Township, Lebanon County, around 12:30 am. Monday.

According to investigators, the collision included Gift’s car, which was driven by her 26-year-old son Zachary T. Gift. Zachary was hurt in the accident and was sent to Reading Hospital for treatment.
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According to Police, the kid revealed to Ephtata detectives on Wednesday that he struggled with his mother on Sunday at about 11 pm while attempting to take her pocketbook and car keys.
According to investigators, the fight occurred in the mother’s bedroom, and Gift said he smothered, then strangled her to death. He then fled with his mother’s pocketbook, phone, wallet, and auto keys, allowing him to steal her vehicle.
According to authorities, Zachary Gift was still getting medical care from the incident until his arrest on Wednesday morning.
Where Is Lois Gift Son Zachary Gift Adamstown Now?
According to authorities, Gift is accused of criminal murder, strangling, theft, and robbery. He was arrested and sent to Lancaster County Prison.
A forensic pathologist at the Lancaster County Coroner’s Office found the manner of death homicide by strangulation the next day.

“We sort of realized the scenario wasn’t typical when they all showed there, and no ambulance came, and then the coroner came about an hour later,” said Sam Snyder, who lives nearby.
In the early morning hours of March 20, Pennsylvania State Police were investigating an accident in Millcreek Township, Lebanon County, involving Lois Gift’s automobile. Zachary Gift, the driver, was sent to Reading Hospital in Berks County for treatment.
Gift acknowledged to Ephrata Police officers that he had a violent argument with his mother before the incident when he attempted to grab her pocketbook and car keys without authorization. According to authorities, this is when Zachary smothered and strangled Lois to death.
Neighbors reported Police had previously been summoned to the House.
“But for him, it’s been a safe zone,” Snyder added. “From day one, when we moved in ten years ago, it was always a secure place.”