Multiple people are behind bars following the death and murder of 22-year-old Ruben Facio of Porterville.
According to The Porterville Police Department, several people believed to be involved in a February shooting that killed one man have been detained following a months-long investigation.
Eleven persons have been arrested concerning the killing and murder of Ruben Facio, 22, of Porterville.
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Authorities said that after a lengthy investigation into the February 24 shooting that killed 22-year-old Ruben Facio, investigators gathered enough evidence and identified numerous individuals allegedly engaged in the killing.
Porterville: Ruben Facio Murder – Eleven Suspects Have Been Arrested
Police arrested 22-year-old Robert Bradley, age 28, 35-year-old Luis Moreno Britney Aguilar, age 22, 48-year-old Ruben Pena Macros Pena Jr., age 21, and Marcos Pena Sr.
48-year-old Christafer Berumen, 25, Jessica Hernandez, and a 16-year-old man as a result of the investigation. Police also detained Visalia residents Juan Bobadilla, 22, and Angelo Meza, 27.

Officers say search warrants were served around 6:00 am on Tuesday, March 21, at residences in the City of Porterville in the 400 block of North Division Street, the 100 block of West Grand Avenue.
Also Read: Josue Rojas – 23-Year-Old Arrested On Suspicion Of Killing
The 800 block of North Jaye Street, the Sub-100 block of East Doris Avenue, the 900 block of East Cleo Avenue, the 1700 block of West Belleview Avenue, and two residences in the 700 block of South Church Street and the 2800 block of North Willis Street.
Officers claim that weapons, ammo, and other evidence were discovered and gathered during the execution of the search warrants and that Bradley refused to leave the House and barricaded himself inside. According to authorities, negotiations began, and Bradley finally agreed to surrender quietly.
Bobadilla was arrested and detained in Tulare County Sheriff’s Office South County Correctional Complex on murder, conspiracy to conduct a crime, gang enhancement, and accessory after-the-fact charges. He is being kept in jail without bail.
Where Are Ruben Facio Eleven Suspects Now? Arrest And Charges
Ruben Pena, Marcos Pena Sr., Jessica Hernandez, and Angelo Meza were detained and lodged in the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office South County Detention Complex on suspicion of resisting arrest, felon in possession of a loaded handgun, and felon in possession of ammunition. All are being detained without bail for $35,000 each.

On allegations of resisting arrest, Marcos Pena Jr was detained and lodged in the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office South County Correctional Center.
Berumen was detained on three outstanding warrants. He was cited and freed on the condition that he appears in court later.
On accusations of Possession of a Firearm and Possession of a Weapon with Obliterated Serial Numbers, a male juvenile was detained and lodged at the Visalia Juvenile Detention Center.
Robert Bradley, 22, is accused of murder, a felony robbery warrant, gang enhancement, accessory after the fact, and conspiracy to conduct a felony.
Luis Moreno, 28, was charged with murder, felony conspiracy, gang enhancement, and accessory after the fact.
Age 35, Britney Aguilar Ashley Horton: accessory after the fact, accessory to murder, conspiracy to commit a felony.
Resisting arrest, felon in possession of a loaded firearm, and possession of ammunition are all charges against Ruben Pena, 22.
Marcos Pena Sr., 48: Refusing Arrest, Felon in Possession of a Loaded Firearm, and Felon in Possession of Ammunition. Attempting to elude capture: Marcos Pena Jr.