Adiah And Adrial Nadarajah were born prematurely at just 22 weeks and named by Guinness as the world’s most premature twins have captured the world’s attention.
Guinness says the world’s most preterm twins are Canadian brothers and sisters born at 22 weeks. Adiah and Adrial Nadarajah beat the previous record of 125 days set by twins in Iowa in 2018 by arriving at birth at 126 days.
Guinness claims that the hospital would not have undertaken life-saving treatments if the infants had been born one hour sooner than 22 weeks. A full-term pregnancy is usually 40 weeks long; thus, they are 18 weeks early.
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Mother Shakina Rajendram stated that when she began to labor at barely 21 weeks and five days, doctors warned her that the kids “were not viable” and had a “0% chance of survival”.
How Is Adiah And Adrial Nadarajah Health? Updates
The twins’ journey has been challenging since their total weight at birth was only 750 grams. Despite the odds, the twins celebrated their first birthday on March 4, 2023, thanks to medical intervention and the power of prayer.
At birth, the twins were characterized as being incredibly tiny with translucent skin. They were ultimately discharged home after a six-month hospital stay, during which physicians dealt with severe issues such as brain bleeding and infection.

Adrial has had a few setbacks, including infections and respiratory troubles that required him to return to the hospital twice for treatment, but he is stated to be “progressing nicely.”
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While there is little information on Adiah and Adrial’s current health, it is clear that the twins have made tremendous improvements since their early delivery.
Shakina’s pregnancy was deemed “not viable” by doctors, and they informed her that all they could give was “comfort care,” in which the babies would be put on Shakina as they died.
One year later, the Guinness World Record-breaking twins recently celebrated their first birthday and still exceeded all expectations.
Shakina and her husband, Kevin Nadarajah, were offered hope after being transferred to Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital, a clinic specializing in resuscitating 22-week-old newborns.
Meet Adiah And Adrial Nadarajah Parents Kevin And Shakina Rajendram
The parents of the twins have thanked everyone for their kindness and support, including friends, relatives, and strangers who have prayed for the babies’ recovery.
Father Kevin Nadarajah stated that the hospital told them they could not help with such an early pregnancy, keeping him up at night praying with a “face dripping with tears.”

Most hospitals do not attempt to save newborns born between 24 and 26 weeks. Fortunately, the couple could transfer to Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, which includes a newborn intensive care unit.
Informed that the children would be allowed to die if they were born even a few minutes before 22 weeks, Mrs. Rajendram received this information on the second day of her labor, 21 weeks and six days into her pregnancy.
According to GWR, Adiah has grown 18 times her birth weight since discharge. “She’s a cheerful and social baby who grins all day.” “Shakina explained. “She is incredibly communicative and can hold ‘conversations’ with us and her toys for hours.”